Saturday, August 05, 2006

Building Ultimate Success by Boosting Confidence

By Paul Jerard

Most of us realize that it takes positive action to become successful. There are many reasons to avoid action, such as: Procrastination, pure laziness, and lack of confidence. Although procrastination, and having the ambition of a sloth, will prevent action and success, let’s address the issue of boosting confidence for ultimate success.

Lack of self-confidence is similar to a disease, and it can even affect the most ambitious of people. Boosting confidence is like a vitamin supplement that propels you toward achievement. You should develop a daily routine for boosting your confidence. One of the best ways to do this is by visiting the self-help section of the local book store or your local library.

One of my favorite confidence building methods is listening to audio books while I am alone in the car. Audio books, concerning the subject of success, are a great form of coaching and “well worth their weight in gold.” Remember that successful people usually have large libraries, and many are full of books that build your self-confidence, which ultimately causes success.

What’s a single idea worth? The right idea that causes you to have a creative idea of your own, and results in positive action on your part, could possibly make your life very comfortable.

Setting realistic goals, going after them, and achieving them, is also another method to boost your confidence. Write your goals down and create a daily list of small challenges. Within a week, you will have accomplished a much bigger goal. This is a nice “pick me up” for your self-confidence and, ultimately, your success.

This particular goal setting method has a “snowball effect.” Your accomplishments just keep adding up, and you are on your way toward significant success. The fact that you take action, places you “ahead of the pack.”

Spend valuable time with those who love you. So many people forget about quality time with loved ones, who think the world of them. The positive energy you get from family and friends, who truly care about you, is another way to boost your confidence.

When you have thoroughly researched an opportunity, stop worrying about failing and just take decisive action. It does not matter what negative-thinking people have to say. There will always be someone who second guesses any action.

Lastly, praise yourself for taking action and making decisions. This will enhance your self-confidence and open the door to creative thinking. The world is full of “pie in the sky” ideas that no one acted upon and, thus, became forgotten opportunities.

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