Saturday, June 17, 2006

Key to Success: 10 Success Tips for Maximum Achievement

By Sharif Khan

First off, I would echo the voice of 18th century French philosopher Voltaire, made popular and relevant in today’s leadership lexicon by “Good to Great” author Jim Collins, who said, “Good is the Enemy of Great.”

1. “Good is the Enemy of Great.” Get rid of the good to make room for the great in your life. Instead of keeping the main thing the main thing, we major in too many minor things. In other words, many people do a few things that are good, a lot of things that are mediocre, but nothing that is GREAT.

Find the ONE thing you can be the best in the world at and focus unrelentingly on improving that one thing, polishing it to perfection.

Choose great over good in ALL areas of your life! It is far better to have a few great things than a lot of good or mediocre things.

Instead of having six cheap shirts that you don’t feel so great in, have one fine quality shirt that you can feel proud to wear and that makes you feel like a million bucks! Instead of having five or six ho-hum paintings to decorate your walls, invest in ONE magnificent masterpiece that leaves you breathless and enriches your soul every time you look at it! Instead of going to the usual cottage retreat every long-weekend, save up your money and go on one GREAT vacation that you’ve always dreamed of like going on a European boat-cruise, snorkeling in the Red Sea, or taking an art class in Paris. Instead of many mediocre friendships, have a few great friendships that energize and inspire you and that you can spend quality time fostering deeper
relationships. You get the point.

Greatness is a choice! And choice is the democratic equalizer of all people. Everyone, regardless of their rank, social status or income level has the power to choose great over good.

2. Commit to an annual theme. Instead of making and breaking a number of well-wished but half-hearted New Year’s Resolutions, commit to an annual or lifetime theme. Pick a theme that defines your singular life purpose or what you are most passionate about and stick to it.

For example, my theme is: “Write First!” I have this theme posted right in front of me above my computer. My purpose is to write.

I write first and ask questions later. I focus on writing (or things related to developing my writing) first and then worry about the urgent but non-important interruptions (paying bills, answering calls and emails, responding to invitations, etc.) that plague everyone. This theme takes precedence over everything else except my spiritual relationship with my Creator. The only exception to this rule would be a genuinely important priority that falls in one of my top values in life or attending to a family emergency.

Your main theme for 2006 could be “Family First!” or “Health First!” or “Listen First!” or “Service Above Self.” Just pick one and commit to it.

Beside your main theme, make a list of your top values such as love, health, giving, peace, wealth, etc. to ground yourself and distinguish between important and non-important but urgent matters. In his autobiography, Benjamin Franklin listed thirteen virtues (Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Chastity, and Humility) to which he governed his life and gave a week’s strict attention to mastering one virtue at a time repeating the list in order every thirteen weeks.

3. Practice a policy of planned neglect. In other words, once you have established your theme or singular purpose (the one thing you can be the best in the world at) get into the habit of practicing your main habit FIRST before anything else.

Everything else that’s non-important can get neglected and keep getting put-off. In other words, your daily to-do list will keep changing around your main theme which will remain constant – with very few exceptions.

4. Make a stop doing list. I’m not sure where I first heard this idea, but I borrowed it most recently from Jim Collin’s book, “Good to Great.” Too many people have important to-do lists that keep getting longer and longer. But very few people have ‘stop-doing’ lists. Make a list of everything you are doing that is not contributing to your core genius or main purpose and core values – and stop doing it! Forget about your image and what other people will think, and STOP doing what’s not great in your life.

5. Be Simple. Get rid of the good to make room for the great. Literally! Get rid of the junk in your basement and file folders!

Anything you haven’t touched or looked at in a year you probably need to get rid of it. Donate books and magazines you haven’t read and clothes you know you’re never going to wear. Empty your mind and physical space of unnecessary clutter and make room for abundance! (Daily meditation is a great way to empty the mind and allow new inspiration).

6. Make HEALTH a priority NOW! Get a full physical check-up at least once a year. If something’s bothering you or you don’t feel right about something, get it checked out IMMEDIATELY! Don’t wait, until it’s too late. Take a proactive approach to your health by taking preventative measures, eating healthy and exercising regularly. And make LOVE a top priority. If you haven’t taken the time to tell your loved ones how deeply you value and love them, then make time for it now.

Are you still reading this article? WHY? Pick-up your phone, right now, and call your doctor to make that appointment! Call your loved ones now and book some real quality time together. Life is short and fragile. You may never get the chance again.

7. Dreams. The dream is a window into your soul, a gateway into the unseen world, giving access to the unknown and revealing the invisible behind all that is visible. In my book, “Psychology of the Hero Soul,”
(; Chapter 14; pg. 77)I mention the importance of dreams and how to harness your dreams to awaken your creative potential. I can’t stress enough how important it is to get into the habit of jotting down your dreams and making an effort to interpret them. It is a great way to develop self-awareness and self-understanding and will enrich your life in many, many unforeseen ways.

Self-awareness and self-acceptance is so important in developing your self-esteem. Take the time to seriously ask yourself, “Who am I and what’s my purpose in life?” Write down your strengths and weakness, your highest ambitions and deepest fears, and make a list of everything you enjoy doing and all your hobbies. Take some personality tests to gain deeper understanding of who you are.

8. Face the brutal facts! Never hide from reality. Always get the hard facts about any situation you are facing. It doesn’t matter if you have a Harvard MBA and are the world’s greatest optimist if you pick the wrong location to open up a retail business!

Likewise, face the brutal facts about yourself. If you haven’t even come close to achieving your dreams and goals, you need to honestly ask yourself why you haven’t reached your goals and figure out what has been preventing you. A great way to accomplish this is to ask a few friends you trust and who know you the following question: “How do you see me limiting myself?” (I have Jack Canfield to thank for this great question).

Once you have the facts and fully understand the problem, spend over eighty percent of your time focusing on the solution.

9. ASK for help! If you need help, ask for it. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Ask for the sale, ask for the date, ask for support. Stop worrying about your image, reject the rejection, and ASK!

But don’t just be a taker. Please also give. Earn the right to ask by being a giver. Be a generous giver because whatever you put out into the world will return multiplied. The hero’s journey is about following your bliss, and doing what you love to do in service to others. “Service above self,” is a great motto to adopt.

10. Take Action! In my Hero Soul book, I have dedicated an entire chapter on taking action. The great succeed by taking continuous and concerted action toward a singular objective. And they continue to take unrelenting, consistent action for a period of years before becoming overnight successes.

If you do just five new things every day towards achieving your biggest dream, you will one day be living your dream and as Thoreau once said, ‘meet with a success unexpected in common hours.’

But if you aren’t going to take action on the advice in this article, why the heck are you reading it? Move on to something else!

One of my favorite movies is “The Shawshank Redemption” (based on Stephen King’s short story, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption) about a successful banker, Andy Dufresne, who is convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of his wife. I’m sure many of you have seen it.

For nineteen years Dufresne quietly chips away at his goal to escape by literally chipping the wall in his cell – a little bit every day – until one day he reaches his goal and escapes.

His jail buddy, Red, comments that all it took “was pressure and time.”

I don’t think I’ve ever seen any movie replayed so many times on TV. It really intrigued me. So I did some research and found out that according to IMDB, The Shawshank Redemption is the second most popular movie of all time with The Godfather taking first place! That’s quite the accomplishment given how long The Godfather has been out.

Why is this movie so popular? I don’t really know the answer. But I think it’s because many people feel like they’re living in a prison and have been given a life sentence to doing work they really hate. They want to break free from their shackles.

More than anything else, they want FREEDOM! And Shawshank delivers that moment of freedom. It’s a beautiful story that makes the soul weep with joy and provides the hope and promise of being human.

The great thing about Shawshank is that it also provides a solution: by quietly chipping away at your main goal and consistently taking action everyday, you will achieve the success and freedom you have been longing for. With ‘pressure and time’ you can take the darkest coal and turn it into the most brilliant, most magnificent diamond the world has ever seen.

Sharif Khan (; is a motivational speaker, freelance writer, coach, and author of “Psychology of the Hero Soul,” an inspirational book on awakening the hero within and developing people’s leadership potential. To contact Sharif directly, call: (416) 417-1259.

Copyright © 2005 by Sharif Khan

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

Could This Be The Key To Your Success?

By Amber Barth

"Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success." - Dr. Joyce Brothers

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to attract success like a magnet? While others can't catch a break no matter how hard they seem to try?

Few places is this more prevalent than in the online business world. With more than 97% of all business owners never making a dime from their ventures, it seems that lady luck is calling the shots. But maybe there is more to it than random chance.

After all, success rarely happens by accident. It's actually our own failure that many of us plan.

Those who succeed at anything in life - in particular business - know what they want to achieve, visualize themselves achieving it and then make it a reality. They have a success mindset that goes beyond just the idea of wanting something; it becomes a part of who they are until they have no choice but to make it a reality.

In the early 20th century, multimillionaire Andrew Carnegie hired Napoleon Hill to study the world's most successful people. Hill spent 20 years interviewing, learning from, and understanding more than 500 of the most successful people to ever live. Among them were the super wealthy Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller and Thomas Edison.

Using his research, Hill published Think and Grow Rich in 1937. Today it is still one of the most read books of it's kind. It has stood the test of time because his principles for success can be applied by anyone at any time. In fact, many of his ideas have since been substantiated through scientific studies. One of which is the idea that people possess the power to think their way to success.

Key in Hill's research was the discovery that successful people think differently. They have adopted a set of beliefs that enable them to be successful.

Research now shows what the world's most successful people have always known. If you want to succeed you have to believe you will succeed. Believe that failure is not an option and it won't be.

So, how can you develop your own success mindset?

The best place to start is to stop listening to the little voice in your head that says, "No you can't". Instead believe that you can do anything you put your mind to. Visualize yourself already having the thing you most desire and live your life as though it's inevitable that you'll eventually get there.

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve."- Napoleon Hill

Use this powerful technique in your own life and you're sure to be rewarded personally and professionally. Get started today and you'll be amazed how quickly your "luck" changes!

Amber Barth is a business owner with Prosperity Automated System. To learn how you can start generating a passive income without any selling or cold calling, visit her website at Or learn more about Internet marketing at

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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How To Succeed Every Time

By Joe Love

One of biggest obstacles to success is the fear of failure, the fear that we will become or be perceived as, a loser. The fear of failure holds more people back from achieving success and happiness in their life then perhaps any other factor.

Yet when you truly examine failure, you realize that failure is an outcome. It’s an effect. It’s a result. It’s a conclusion. It’s a judgment that someone has pronounced as an unacceptable standard of performance.

Vince Lombardi, who was arguably the greatest football coach in history, said, “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.” I have the greatest respect and admiration for Coach Lombardi, but I disagree with him on this, because in essence what he said is that if you are not number one, you didn’t win. Therefore you are a looser or a failure.

In fact if you have this mindset you are in trouble, because no matter what you do, statistics dictate that there can be only one winner. It follows then, that there will be many losers.

This leaves you with three choices:

1. Win every time, which is rare.

2. Lose constantly and be miserable.

3. Don’t every try.

In real life, however, there are very few sure things. In fact, usually the opposite is true. The world is filled with constant change and uncertainties, and the outcome of any action you take always has a probability of success.

On the other hand, there is always a chance of error, but if you always go with what you believe is the closest thing to a sure shot, you virtually guarantee that you won’t grow very much. To grow means that you have to wander out into the unknown occasionally and take a risk.

Most of our limits are absolutely self-imposed and fear driven. You have to face the things that frighten you in order to realize that they are not as bad as they seem. Things are almost never as bad as we think they are going to be. Unfortunately, in the course or our daily life, we are usually able to avoid the things we fear, and that keeps us from growing and achieving the success we all deserve.

It’s easy to guarantee success every time. All you need to do is change your standard of acceptable performance. The only time you really fail at something is when you do not learn anything from the experience. When you miss a target or a goal, don’t condemn yourself or make yourself miserable. View it as an opportunity to learn how to do better next time.

When you approach setbacks this way, you can boldly face your fears head on. You will know that when you try something that didn’t work, the worst thing that can happen is that you might learn something. You can then try something new, different, or better and you will eventually discover something that works. Using this approach allows you to replace the pain of failure with a sense of positive expectation.

When you do the thing you fear the most and replace the pain of failure with a sense of positive expectation, you will feel better and you’ll be in a positive state of mind. You’ll be in a state of mind that allows you to achieve your goal and not be afraid of failing. It’s this state of mind that will allow you to grow and succeed every time.

Copyright©2006 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. He is the founder and CEO of JLM & Associates, a consulting and training organization, specializing in personal and business development. Through his seminars and lectures, Joe Love addresses thousands of men and women each year, including the executives and staffs of many businesses around the world, on the subjects of leadership, achievement, goals, strategic business planning, and marketing.

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10 Action Tips to Manifest Your Dreams

By Annette Colby

Are you disappointed, discouraged and discontented with your present level of success? Are you secretly dissatisfied with your present situation? Do you want more abundance, inner peace, joy or happiness? Do you want improved health, a lighter body, or an end to a food obsession or addiction?

Yes, you can have what you want! Of course you can. But accomplishing your dreams and creating change is difficult. Despite this fact, at certain times in our lives, we dare to dream of a bigger life. Courageously we bring an inner desire up into ourselves and feel the magnificence of a greater life. Excitement begins to bubble, our hearts open as we anticipate new possibilities. Using all available skills and tools we set forth in the achievement of this new dream. All too soon, the inevitable occurs: our bubble is burst. Reality hits us between the eyes and tells us we cannot have what we want.

This is exactly what happens when we dare to venture into new dreams. Why? Because a dream is something we have never had before. It is an imagined reality, a fantasy, a made-up pretend world never before experienced by us. We dare ourselves to discover if we are capable of creating new beliefs and a new world. The risk and fear is that since we do not currently have what we want, therefore we are incapable, unworthy, undeserving or not allowed to have more in the future. The soul purpose of dreams is to create new beliefs about ourselves and uncover strengths we did not know we possessed. To get through the challenges of the journey, the following steps can ease the way:

1) Acceptance.
Acceptance is simply recognition. Recognition is vitally important, because to recognize what doesn’t feel good makes it so much easier to look around and wonder what might feel better. Acceptance is an agreement to appreciate, validate, accept and support who we are at this very moment, even though there are aspects we would wish to change. We face reality head-on without judgement — opening our eyes to explore the full, and sometimes messy, truth of what exists in our world without using illusions to pretend otherwise. We stop attempting to lay our problem on someone else’s shoulders. We realize no one outside of ourselves will wave a magic wand and dissolve the problem. We also stop blaming ourselves. What we cannot accept, we cannot love. What we cannot love we cannot release.

2) Dream from the Heart.
Visualizing new outcomes is the ability to "see ourselves as we want to be, not as we currently are." This involves going inside, sorting through some ideas and deciding which dreams, which desires, which outcomes feel exciting. Then instead of playing victim, blaming others, or dwelling on the worry or anxiety of what we don’t want in our lives, we teach ourselves to create an exciting partnership with something important to us. To succeed we must first dream! Dreams give our lives purpose, direction and meaning. What has been placed on the back burner that can now be brought forward? What ideas awaken passion, creativity, intuition, and gut feelings?

3) Excitement
Excitement is the power necessary to magnify love, expand spirit and manifest dreams. We are powerful beyond our current beliefs. Dreams help lift us out of current life situations, and guide us down a new path, showing us just how powerful, excited and alive we can actually become. Excitement is not a logical concept but a physical feeling. Excitement is the kind of internal love that says, "Yes! This is a good idea, a fun idea. I’ll spend more time with this idea." As we excitedly play with imagined outcomes, we feel good once again. Feeling good makes us glad to be alive. Feeling good connects us with new potentials, new possibilities and new opportunities.

4) Imagination
Imagination isn’t simply a visual picture of what is wanted. It is a full body experience. Take the time each day to sit and internally create and celebrate a whole new world. We have the ability to pull up exciting ideas and share love, joy and life with ourselves. The feeling good doesn’t arrive in an UPS package later in time once the desire is obtained. The feeling good comes now as we allow ourselves to feel good because of our vision. Picture how happy we are living the dream, envision the details of this new expression of self, feel the exciting emotions of having what is wanted in exactly the way it is wanted.

5) Decide
Decide to achieve the dream. This may seem basic but many people never decide and commit fully to their dream. They simply keep "thinking" about it. Or as the first obstacle appears they give up. Make a commitment to self that this is what is wanted. Obstacles, many of them, are going to arise. Failures and setbacks will occur. Deciding to succeed helps us develop an internal leader who will carry the vision through the good times and the rough times. An internal leader who can remember the big picture no matter what is going on in the present moment. How and when we reach our destination is entirely flexible, but reaching the destination is no longer up for debate.

6) Take Action
For a dream to come true of course we have to take action! Decide where you are now, and what seems like the right place to begin. Action means starting at the right place at the right time.
Begin by choosing the smallest, most achievable, or most exciting, steps that will create movement toward the desired outcome. Why the smallest steps? First, success builds on success. Secondly, huge, dramatic life-changing solutions rarely work. Instead, major changes are a result of a series of small steps which are taken, successfully completed, acknowledged and then celebrated.

7) Expectation
Believe in the outcome of the dream. We may have no idea how to get what is wanted, but it is essential that we believe, ultimately, we will have what is wanted. The first steps are acknowledging the dream, being excited by the dream, developing a committed relationship with the dream and believing we are worthy of having it. Use affirmations, pictures, positive thinking, motivational tapes, prayer, self-love, visualization and whatever it takes, to reaffirm this dream and the belief we can have what we want. It’s okay to have fear. Fear often means we are headed in the right direction. The fear signals that this is something that is wanted. It’s just that we don’t know how to get what we want, so fear pops up to stop us from risking failure. Acknowledge fear as part of the journey and don’t let it sway expectation.

8) Responsibility
Feeling good, being excited about being alive involves taking responsibility for our lives and for our choices. Excitement is a choice. To increase how much is experienced involves reaching within and searching for ideas that feel good and inspire. Only we can decide if our dreams are important enough to overcome any adversity we may have faced in life. Excitement is the fire that fuels new potentials. If we cannot bring peace and excitement to our own internal desires, to our own body, what chance do we have of bringing peace into the world around us?

9) Acknowledge
Keep a check list of all the successful, wonderful things done in a day. Chart all achievements and efforts, big and small. Without a tracking process, we can’t see how far we’ve come. And if we can’t see our efforts, we’re more likely to quit. Celebrate often. If the celebration is postponed until the end of the journey, we miss the entire soul purpose of having the dream. Which is of course to feel better, more alive and excited in the present moment.

10) Enjoy
Creating our dream will require much effort, emotionally, spiritually and physically, to get what is wanted. Fall in love with the journey itself — not just the outcome. Fall in love with yourself for having a dream. Self-love is a consuming passion for our own happiness. It is a choice we make to be excited by focusing attention on abundance, peace and beautiful outcomes. Joy is available when we decide we are important. It is not based on any accomplishment and not awarded in some magical moment when someone gives permission for us to feel good. Love and joy are available as we connect with dreams, flow with empowering thoughts, and decide it is all right to develop an exciting, sensuous and enticing partnership with ourselves.

Helping people let go of self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors has been the life work of Dr. Annette Colby. Her fascination with the power of the mind, emotions, spirituality, and physicality has led her to become a leader in the field of personal growth and consciousness. She is a valued counselor, and an inspiring teacher, as well as an independent writer, mentor, and guide. She is a highly sought-after trainer with a unique ability to inform and inspire individuals to open their hearts, love more openly, and pursue their dreams.

Dr. Annette Colby, RD
Nutrition Therapist & Master Energy Therapist

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