Monday, August 07, 2006

Success - Do You Have that Drive to Win?

By Janelle Brooker

For a start whatever your goals are, they need to be what your heart truly desires the most. It’s not just about setting a goal and then working hard to achieve it. You will need to make careful decisions, you will need the support of family and friends, technical know how, but most of all you will need that heartfelt desire, which will drive you to keep going no matter what life throws at you. Even through the negativity, self doubt, fear of failure and even fear of success, you will always need to go back to the question “Is this what I truly desire with all my heart and soul.”

Paying the price is the next thing you will have to go through. How is your commitment to your goals? It’s not just about how much time you put in; it’s a question of how much you want it. What do you sacrifice in order to achieve, do you change what’s not working, and do you look for advice from people who have done what you want to do, or seek Mentors to guide you. While everybody else is watching TV or enjoying Happy Hour, successful people are making the most of every minute. After all, you only get what you have paid for!

Your Self Confidence will take a beating along the way, but a high expectation of success is the most important and valuable quality that you can possess. It’s more important than practise or preparation. Learn to expect the best, even if you have to force yourself to do so, don’t just hope for it! That optimism is contagious; it will rub off on the people around you. But a word of caution here: all this doesn’t mean to blindly go about you day and ignore the problems that arise, it means to try to see the positive in any situation while still fixing what needs to be fixed. In other words be optimistic and energetic but don’t let yourself get so high that you don’t recognise and address problems that we all will face everyday.

Mistakes will happen, but worrying about past failures and errors is one of the most self destructive pastimes you can engage in. You can choose to be in control of what you think about.

Remember the words of President Calvin Coolidge:

Nothing in the world can take the place of determination. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent and unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

So watch your thinking, negative thoughts can completely take over. Focus on tasks and the positive aspects of what you are about to do. Make the process fun along the way and don’t just focus of the outcome. The journey is half of the fun.

The Drive to win comes down to these simple steps; remember to choose something that your heart desires, then be prepared to pay the price, develop your self confidence and last of all watch your negative thoughts and just plain have fun! Put these few tips into place and you will soon see success start to come your way.

Finally, remember that success is for everyone, you just need to work at it.

“People are where they are because that is exactly where they really want to be - whether they will admit that or not.”

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